Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Li Hix

Since I returned to my village after Christmas in the states, I have been hearing a lot of stories about a Jaguar in my village. At first I kind of thought they were being silly and that it was probably out by the farms cause my village is on the main road. It has really forested areas and is not all right on the road, but usually animals stay towards the back of the village because of people and noises. Not like there is really that much traffic.

The stories are mostly about disappearing ducks, chickens and a dog or two. The other day a few men in my village went to the mennonite village down the road and picked up the jaguar trap they had built and set it up in our village. So I went over to see it and you can see giant paw prints all over around it (from prior to setting it up, of course) and where the jaguar tried to break into the pig pen. It was crazy! So we are down a few animals, and are apparently now trying to catch a jaguar...

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